German Spitz are a double coated breed. They have a soft wooly undercoat which provides waterproofing and warmth for the dog, and an outer coat (or topcoat) which provides weather resistance and protection against weather and materials found in the garden or in the wild. 

The most important property of the coat is that it regulates their heat (keeps them cool on hot days and hot on cold days).

This is why you should NOT clip your german spitz - more on this below.


NEVER Clip or Strip your German Spitz! 

If the coat is stripped or shaven, the properties of the coat are diminished and the dog can overheat or get hypothermia and this can lead to death. Therefore, this breed is never to be shaven or trimmed unless it is medically (or hygienically) necessary. 


Whether you decide that you are going to groom your German Spitz yourself or take them to a professional groomer is very much a personal decision.

Grooming your dog yourself helps to develop your bond with your dog.

But dealing with a double coat can be a lot (especially during a seasonal drop) and a lot of owners decide that a professional groomer is the best way keep their German Spitz looking their best.

If you are choosing a professional groomer make sure you pick one who is experienced with double-coated dogs. If your groomer asks you how short you want them to cut the coat, that is NOT the groomer for you and your German Spitz.

If you are going to groom your German Spitz yourself, here are few things we recommend to keep your dog looking their best.


Contrary to what you may have heard, there is no such thing as a non-allergenic dog. Low-shedding dogs often don’t aggravate allergies because the dog is less likely to leave hair or saliva around the house. An individual can be allergic to any or all of these things. 

A German Spitz definitely sheds, and depending on a few variables including location of residence, temperature of residence, time of year, and frequency of grooming; the shedding quantity may vary. How so? ...

Temperature of residence is an important variable because the dogs coat will adapt to ensure the dog is kept at the right temperature. If a dog is in a colder climate, it will develop a thicker coat to cater for the cold weather, and in hotter conditions, a German Spitz will adapt to have a much lighter coat. Living conditions play a part in this too as a dog might live in a cold climate, but may only spend 10% of its time outdoors, and therefore its coat would not be as much as a dog who spends 70% outdoors. 

During the change from being a puppy to an adult, all German Spitz undergo a coat change (referred to as a 'junior drop'). We see this happen anywhere from 8 months through to 3 years of age. During a junior drop, daily brushing is absolutely necessary to avoid your every possession from being covered in hair.

Twice a year for the duration of the dogs life, the German Spitz will shed their coat and prepare for the next season. Typically you will see they will do a 'drop' at the end of Autumn (preparing for Winter) and at the end of Spring (preparing for Summer). Dogs don't have weather forecasts to know how cold their winters are going to be in perspective to the heat of their summers, but they shed appropriately for the environment, and their bodies adapt as best as possible. 

Australian Seasons

Autumn: March to May - Winter: June to August - Spring: September to November - Summer: December to February


You should put aside 20 minutes each week to brush your German Spitz, and a few minutes each day to perform routine checks such as pad checks (to check for burrs or cuts) and wiping of their eyes as they can be prone to tear staining. 

During a junior drop or seasonal drop, it is recommended that you put aside 20 minutes every day (or every other day) to brush out the old coat. This is not only beneficial to your dog, but also to reduce the amount of hair being dropped around your house. The more loose hair you brush out, the less you will end up picking up off the floor.  


The coat of a German Spitz repels most dirt, moisture and smells, and as they frequently clean themselves (much like a cat) they require very infrequent baths. This breed is quite unique (along with Japanese Spitz and Pomeranian's) in that they do not have a typical dog odor, and even when they get wet they still do not smell. 

Unfortunately if you have a fancier of rotting animals or if they have an upset stomach, you may need to give them a bath after all!

Please reach out if you have any questions.